Thursday, July 2, 2009


I don't laugh enough. I'm actually working at laughing more. I recently read about a health study that reported 3 main reasons people can't cope in life:
1. Living in the past
2. Low self-esteem
3. Unable to laugh at themselves

I subscribe to a daily joke email. That sometimes provides some laughs (sometimes the jokes are pretty lame). But I have some other great laughter material: me! I usually have no problem laughing at myself, but I need to get better at it - not take myself so seriously.

Sometimes life just gets too serious, busy, and complicated. That's when I need to laugh. I want to laugh more. I need to laugh more. That study I previously mentioned indicated that we need approximately 12 laughs a day to stay healthy! I'm working on it!

Zoe woke me up (unintentionally, unwittingly, and pleasantly) this morning laughing in her sleep. She was enjoying a good, funny dream! What a great way to begin the day!

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