Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Getting off track

I went for a nice hike early this beautiful morning. The trail was easily to follow, so I didn't pay much attention as I moved along, enjoying the perfect weather, nature smells and sounds, and natural beauty. I was out for exercise, so my pace was quick. To return home, I had to retrace my steps - to the South. As I progressed down the trail, I noticed something I had not previously seen - a fiberglass elk someone apparently used for bow-hunting practice. I knew I had taken a wrong turn. I had to slow down and analyze my situation. I did have an old wire fence off to my left and traffic noise to my distant right. I knew I needed to veer to my right, so I trustingly left the trail and traversed through the forest in a southwesterly direction. Eventually, I did hit the original trail and proceeded to my point of origin.

When we get off course, slowing down is a must. There's a lesson there somewhere. What do you think?

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